The question on everybody’s mind is ‘why designers prefer MAC over PC system and it still remains a debate. Many designers are denied using a PC as compared with a MAC. The reason can be simply because many designers believe that they need a serious full functioning system like MAC to meet up their demands of heavy design software, tools and system configuration. However, investing in a MAC system may cost twice as much as a new Windows PC. A MAC system can be important to some design to such an extent that they believe that they would be judged better as a designer if they used a MAC system. There are reasons for designers to prefer MAC over PC which can be considered practical. Here are the top 5 reasons of designers preferring MAC over PC.
The Story of MAC in Graphic Designing
In my opinion, the prejudice of using MAC today is based on the history and long tradition of graphic designers using MACs, as there is that technical foundation (currently in terms of performance and hardware) since Apple is known for its quality in hardware acceleration and top-notch performance.
Judging from Hardware Performance
Adobe has announced that its software performance is compatible with MAC systems. Adobe software works better on MAC for example: Photoshop, InDesign, Illustrator, etc. These adobe software were designed to work better because of the operating system’s preferences of Mac.
Mac is widely preferred for the Digital Typography
At the beginning of graphic design and digital typography (early 1980s), the Apple Macintosh was the first computer that truly made digital typography possible.
Adobe Works Well on Mac
More than 25 years ago (1988), John and Thomas Knoll built the first version of Photoshop on a Macintosh computer because it was basically the only computer with a color display and the ability to manage the program. It was released in 1990 exclusively for MAC (a version of Windows followed which was more than two years later).
Mac vs PC – Food for Thought
The reason why many designers choose to buy a Mac over a random PC is because of the industry dynamics. Sometimes it is just a matter of tradition rather than substance. Most designers who have worked in the industry with more than 20 years of experience, have a preference for Mac because that was considered as the only option for a long time, and in their eyes, it was like Apple’s products work and perform well with designing software. This preference culture has been passed on to their “disciples” because they respect the experience of their mentors, which then becomes their experience, and the cycle continues. We also need to know that until recently, technology is a mystery to the people who used it. Most computer users, no matter how smart they are, have no idea how things work on Mac. They only ones who know how to use a Mac, know because their job demands it.
Mac in Graphic Designing
With the changes in the way, designers must also understand the important software attributes which can come in handy with graphical tools such as Mackeeper. They must try and mackeeper Premium for MAC to understand how file allocation work with the Mac system technology. As a result, a greater number of designers are adopting the trend towards Mac, as they have the freedom in choosing the components and equipment they use, and more options depending on their usage.