Wake up & get your Resume Ready for that Prospective Job!

In the field of resume, you have to appear as a professional, no-nonsense candidate, capable of handling the job.

In order to make your resume business like, have your name printed in bold letters at the top, followed by your address, in brief. That line should contain your contact numbers and e-mails. The data should be correct. It should help your prospective employer to contact you if they are impressed.

Your references on a resume should project the fact that you are applying by virtue of your quality.

To reflect yourself as the fittest person for the job, use any of the three types of common resume formats.

For clients, who are searching for senior level experienced people, who have hands-on experience with that job which can be safely entrusted, “reverse chronological order” resume format is best.

Recruiters have a few minutes to scan your copy of resume. In reverse chronological format, the job listing is done starting from the latest and moving to prior ones.

This chronological listing of jobs will bear the subheading“ Professional Summary” or “Work Experience”. This subheading will have a sub-listing of the companies where the job seeker has worked. Each job sub-listing will have one or two bullet points which will describe the achievements of the resume owner on that job. This will be sharp and to the point.

The trained eyes of recruiter will evaluate the career progression of the candidate as he has moved through the ladder. As you hop from one job to the next, which was better than the previous job in terms of position, payment, responsibility, it shows that you are worthy of the senior level position that the management is looking for.

Do not forget to mention briefly any appreciation/token/official accolades/certificates that you may have received on successful completion of a project.

But what happens when you are a fresher or someone who has been well trained and possess the required skills for the job, but not the experience?

For such candidates, “functional resume format” is preferred. In this, the para which is stressed upon is labelled as “Core competencies”, “Core qualification”, “Skills” etc.

In this type of resume your skills , related to the job, is highlighted. Such companies are looking for candidates who will impact value to the company with his skill level, and himself gather experience while doing the job.

Under this, first, mention your most related skills that match the proposed job.

Do it in a neat manner, describing the particular skills, from where you have acquired it, and your years of hands-on experience in gathering that skill

Describe the certificates that you have received on completion of training, in one line after the description of that particular skill.

Other skills, which are not directly related, are placed in “Additional qualifications” subheading.

Remember, whether its the job experience part or the skill para, choose the jobs done or skill acquired in two-the words, e.g., For work experience – “Web developer at Verizon, Irvine (2015-2018)”, and below attach one-liners like “Worked as SQL developer to develop Mysql GUI” to describe your job.

If you have completed any other major project in that firm, describe it in next line.

The main thing which I will advise you is to keep it simple, readable, as brief as possible while inserting your major accomplishments or skills in bullet, single lines points.

Because you will be sending your resume in electronic form, use MS WORD. It keeps your writing process simple, has a rock collection of fonts, but most importantly, let’s you keep the precise formatting you have created so painstakingly, via email too.

The PDF format is another preferred format, and you can electronically sign it. It also retains the original format as a source after download, and it’s fonts make your resume appear professional.

Why not try the Google docs, if your recruiter permits it. It can be accessed instantly by your recruiter, and if he suggests any changes, can be rectified in the go, live.

Do not forget to create a Linkedin profile before you post the resume. Linkedin has done, in the field of jobs search, what Facebook has done to social media. The recruiters will definitely scan your LinkedIn summary. This will provide them with vital pointers on how enthusiastic you are about your profession.

Your LinkedIn circle of acquaintances, your connections,  will point to your psychological enthusiasm for your work.

Apart from that, having a proper LinkedIn profile is like having a public resume online at all times, allowing prospective clients to search you through job description at any time.

You can also search for jobs via Linkedin or connect to people through it, who have an interest in a profession similar to you. It may help you in the job search.

Before you think of joining any organization, just like your employer checked all your details before choosing you, go through websites like Glassdoor or other job review platforms, to be sure of where you are stepping into.

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