Working from home has become a new reality for many of us during this unprecedented time. But with small tasks and simple video calls all being used to strengthen connections, it is possible to maintain these relationships with colleagues all whilst working as productively as possible. Whether it is a video call every morning or a social hour on a Friday, this can all help improve the overall company culture moving forward.
Make More Time For Facetime Calls
Though a company meeting is great over a voice call, making the most of video is crucial as this can make the process seem more personal. Whether it is for a daily company meeting or a weekly team meeting, using face time can make it much more personal and bring together teams of people as a result. Though this isn’t always possible at all times, this can help to make the process of communication much more streamlined.
Make The Most Of Apps Such as Whatsapp
If you are using a Small business mobile phone or a BYOD contract and are in need of secure messaging for your team, applications such as Whatsapp can be a major benefit. With every phone call and a message encrypted as standard, you can be sure that all company communications are secure when working remotely, regardless of the devices that your workforce are using. Alternatively, the use of applications such as teams can help to bring the office closer all whilst having the messages and internal communications in one place.
Use Online Tools To Your Advantage
In addition to applications such as Whatsapp, there are other online apps such as SlideShare that allow for your team to work on presentations and other documents at once. This collaborative element can help to get the work done on time and increase communication at all times. This is a huge advantage to your business when working remotely as it helps to make communication and productivity as high as possible. These can then be emailed across or accessed remotely by a link to computers and mobile phones to enable them to work anywhere and share the new documents with colleagues almost instantly.
Plan An End Of Week Activity
End of week activities is another way that you can boost the morale of a workforce as this gives them something to look forward to in the near future. Whether this is a drop-in happy hour on a Friday afternoon or an online game to pit teams against one another, this is a great way of bringing the teams together without having to leave the comfort of your own home. This is a simple yet effective way of creating a positive company culture and ensure that everyone is still communicating even if they are working from home across the UK.
With this in mind, there are several ways that you can keep your relationships with your colleagues open, regardless of where you are working from. Which of these techniques will you be implementing into your new weekly routine?