How Account Isolation Works in Cloud Hosting

Be it Cloud or traditional web hosting, having a dedicated web server can be a costly proposition. Hence, website owners usually turn to Shared Hosting. However, while being easy on the pocket, traditional Shared Hosting plans have a big issue. The performance of your website is affected by the resource constraints which can be causes by traffic spikes, faulty website code, spamming or hacking. In simple words, since the resources are shared, the performance of other websites have a direct impact on the availability of resources for your website. Cloud Hosting provider True North ITG uses account isolation to provide Managed Cloud Hosting with guaranteed resources.

Account Isolation and Virtual Servers

In a Cloud Hosting environment, hypervisors are used to create virtual servers which offer account isolation. These hypervisors are a kind of software which divide the physical resources into small sections. Each section can have a different Operating System running on the same ‘physical’ hardware, without sharing the RAM or CPU. The hypervisor allocates a portion of the RAM and CPU to each OS and is thereby isolated from the other systems. Another benefit of account isolation is that, if you ever need additional resources, the provider simply adds another section to your account.


The biggest benefit that business owners derive out of this is that the CPU and RAM resources allotted, are dedicatedly used by them. Even if other websites on the same server as yours are experiencing huge spikes in web traffic, your website will perform normally since you are not sharing any resources with them.

IP Allocation

Another problem that most traditional Shared Hosting users face is the blacklisting of the server IP due to spam email practices. Since, the resources as well as the IP is shared between users, a faulty email practice can often find a web server blacklisted from sending emails. This can affect all other websites on the server too. In Cloud Hosting, every virtual server is assigned a separate IP address.

We are not saying that traditional shared hosting plans compared to Cloud Hosting are all bad. If your website can afford to be offline and/or slow at times and cost is a huge factor, then shared hosting plans are good. Imagine if you were to share your WIFI password with two neighbors to reduce your data costs, then it can be difficult to stream a movie online, right? That’s what Shared Hosting is.


Cloud Hosting ensures that you get the best of both the worlds; i.e. you don’t pay as high as you would for a dedicated server and benefit from using dedicated resources for your website. A good Cloud Hosting provider can offer a cost-effective and efficient hosting service to give your website a great technological platform to grow. Apart from account isolation and virtualization, look for features like easy scalability, performance dashboard, data mirroring, and caching server availability before you decide to buy a Cloud Hosting plan.

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