Useful Tools to Manage and Grow Your WordPress Blog

WordPress powers the internet. An estimated 172 million websites use WordPress like big-name players such as TechCrunch, the New Yorker, and BBC America. WordPress is one of the simplest content management systems (CMS) on the web, and that makes it the natural choice for any online publication, blog, or even online store.

Are you beginning your own WordPress blog or business? If so, you need the right tools to optimize the experience. Because WordPress is open-source, there is an endless list of plugins, extras, and upgrades to add more functionality to your WordPress blog no matter your needs. Here are the most useful tools to manage and grow your WordPress website for casinos or others with ease.

1. Yoast SEO

SEO is no longer optional. Luckily, you don’t need years of SEO training and research to get started with optimizing your website for search engines. Yoast SEO is a free, easy to use SEO plugin that does a lot of the heavy lifting for you. The Coforge SEO agency always recommends Yoast to beginner SEO optimizers since it’s such a great introduction to the search engine process.

Increasing your SEO is a must no matter whether you’re trying to increase your traffic, build local authority, or sell something online. Get started on your own SEO journey today with Yoast, and your website will become more visible one click at a time.

2. Canva

Graphic design is a must as a website owner. Unfortunately, design doesn’t come naturally to a lot of people. You can be the best blogger or business owner in the world, but without the right design, your website will fall flat. With Canva, anyone can harness the power of high-quality design for their website.

Canva is a free, easy tool for building custom images you can use on your website, social media, or for your branding. They offer free templates that format all of the design for you, and you can add as few or as many customizations as you need. Use Canva for blog images, your logo, or anything else you can think of.

3. WooCommerce

WooCommerce is an ecommerce plugin for selling products or services on your website. Though it’s not free, plans start at just $6.95 a month. Set up a virtual storefront in just a few clicks, and accept different payment methods securely with no extra steps. WooCommerce is the world’s best eCommerce platform, so you can’t go wrong with these tools. Make sure you’re getting the best WooCommerce support by taking advantage of all of the resources available.

4. Grammarly

If you’re writing anything for the web, you need some extra help. No matter if you have an English Degree or if you’re a professional writer, you still need an extra set of eyes on your online content. Unfortunately, not all of us have assistants and editors who can review our blog posts and pages for errors. Luckily, with Grammarly, you can do your own editing in a breeze.

Grammarly has a free and paid plan, though the free plan is all you need for the basics. Grammarly can be installed in your browser, and it will give grammar and spelling suggestions on everything from emails to blog posts.

5. Live Chat

Finally, manage and grow your WordPress website with a live chat tool. When customers or readers can’t get in contact with your quick, they’re likely just going to go straight to the competition. You need a way to break down those walls between you and the user, and that’s where live chat comes in.

There are a number of live chat services, plugins, and chatbots. Some are automated while others send a message to your phone or email. No matter what you choose, make sure you respond quickly. Olark is a great example of an easy WordPress integrated chatbot.

Are you ready to bring your WordPress website up a level? If so, it’s time to grow your blog with these tools above. All of these plugins and integrations will go a long way with helping you build your audience and even convert visitors into customers.

WordPress is a great tool, but don’t rely on it alone. Leverage its open-source platform to add on the best integrations that bring your website to new heights.

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