What are the Health Benefits of Yoga?

Yoga is the ‘go-to’ way to bring flexibility and strength in your body. The best thing about Yoga is people of all ages, sizes can do it. In fact people with most of medical conditions can benefit from yoga asanas (poses). You need to just find the right way and asana to do from a Yoga practitioner and if need be consult your doctor and here you have a method to better your condition. Yoga works beautifully with medicines in a body. It is not about just touching the toes or meditating. Yoga is beyond physical and mental barriers and muscle competitions. Yoga is more concerned with building strength, relaxing the body and smoothening your breathing pattern thus affecting the whole well-being.


Yoga stretched the body and your muscles making you move better and feel less stiff and tired and more energetic. Yoga is thus recommended to even people who gym, dance or do any heavy lifting or boxing. Yoga eases the stiffness of the body. You can feel the difference instantly. And see the benefits in the mirror in some weeks. Yoga helps align the body and correct the posture. Sahl Health has shared some tips and ideas to go about how you can carry out healthy living through Yoga. 


Ashtanga, power yoga, Iyengar, hatha yoga help you improve muscle tone. All types of school of yoga provide strength and endurance benefits. Poses like downward dog, upward dog, and the plank pose help build upper-body strength. The standing poses build strength in your hamstrings, quadriceps, and abs. Upward dog and the chair pose work on the lower back. All the poses build core strength in the deep abdominal muscles.

Breathe Well and Stress less

Yoga involves paying attention to your breath while doing the asanas leading to a relaxed state. Some poses even involve specific breathing techniques. Thus you feel less stressed and more relaxed after doing yoga. Certain yoga styles use meditation techniques that help calm the mind. Focus on your breathing during yoga session to build a relaxed state inside the body.

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