Are Laptops More Popular with Gamers than Smartphones?

Even though smartphones today are killing the Laptops or PCs, but with gamers they are still very popular.

There are multiple games available on both laptops as well as smartphones. And people play games enthusiastically on both the devices. Yet, when it comes to heavy gaming, laptops win the battle. Why?

There are some traits that a gamer looks for, when he wants to spend some good amount of his time on games. Although various play stations have come into play today, but the laptops are also heavily used. There are some games which can better be played when you have a laptop, rather than a playstation. So for those, and several others, laptops are being preferred.

But as compared to smartphones, laptop is definitely a better choice. Here is why I say so.

Wider screen

When you have to play small games like candy crush, or pokemon, a small screen is sufficient for you. But when you move to games like Age of Empires, you need a wider screen. As the screen size goes wide, entertainment level also rises. And since laptops have a better and wider screen, people enjoy playing the games much more here.

Wider screens give a clear picture of what you are playing, thereby doubling your level of interest. And when we talk about serious gamers, you definitely need good level of focus and interest if you have to spend some good number of hours playing the games.

Thus laptops win the battle.

Better controls

With laptop, you have a keyboard and a mouse. You can even connect console with your laptop. All of this gives you a large set of controls, which are not at all available in the smartphones.

In the phones, you either have very small icons in the name of controls, or you have only 4 directions to revolve around. But with a laptop, you have an entire system ( keyboard, mouse, console, etc.) to play, thereby giving you wider controls. And for gamers, the controls is everything in a game. More the controls, interesting will be the game.


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