3 Features to Look for in an Anti Phishing Security Solution

Phishing attacks have become extremely common today, not just with the individuals, but with the companies as well. They are posing a great risk to the information security of both the entities. And to protect from those, a lot of anti phishing security solutions have also entered the market.

You might believe that simply not responding to any spam messages would be sufficient and you don’t need the security solution, even in case of website security. Most of the people are tempted to believe so, hence you are not alone!

But that is actually not true. Phishing attacks target people for getting access to their passwords, debit and credit cards, or any other sensitive information. And emails are not the only way to do that. The hackers are using messages, social media, phone calls, or any other means of communication possible. For how long are you going to stay conscious of what you receive?

Hence there is a need of security solutions like those provided by phishprotection.com. But here also, not all solutions provide you with the best features. There are few features you need to look out for, in the security solution you are planning to go ahead with.

Real Time Link Click Protection

Usually the anti phishing protection software check the link as soon as they arrive before passing their judgement. This time span is very short. And attackers today have become highly advanced to evade that short time frame, and allow the attack to trigger when a certain event takes place, such as link clicking. According to reports, phishing is much higher during holidays as hackers become more active.

You need to make sure that the anti phishing software you are going for, has this real time link click protection, that would protect you from phishing whenever you actually click the link.

Name Spoofing Protection

In most of the phishing attacks, the attacker impersonate as someone you know, or someone from the organization itself, and trick you into revealing some confidential information. Since you are not downloading any file here, the email is also not marked as Spam. But this actually is a phishing attack.

So you need to look out for protection against these spoofing attacks as well. Also, Ransomware and Phishing go together these days. Most hackers after hacking your details via phishing install ransomware on your systems.

Blocking Attachments

Not all attachments you receive are good and genuine. Some of them are malicious, intended to disrupt your working and share your confidential information with the hacker. The security solution that you choose, must be able to block these malicious attachments, thereby preventing them from flooding your inbox.

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